There is an opinion that the size of the male sexual organ is important in sex. In fact, the average penis size is sufficient for full sexual intercourse, but many men are interested in the question of how to enlarge the penis.
There are several techniques for lengthening and thickening the penis. We will see how to do this in this article.
What are the ways
The male reproductive organ can be enlarged using the following techniques:
- jelqing (exercises);
- surgically;
- stretching with an extender;
- improving erection with a vacuum pump;
- use of medications.
You should carefully study this or that technique and be patient, as it is very difficult to radically change the size of an organ without surgery. If you use a vacuum pump or erection-enhancing drugs, you can get results instantly, but only once - at the moment of impact on the penis. Manual therapy or using an extender requires daily effort for several months or even years, but the size of the penis changes forever.
To get the best effect, experts suggest using two or three methods at the same time, for example, creams, ointments and simultaneous jelqing.
Manual technique
The manual method means using your hands. This is a massage or exercises that aim to stimulate and stretch the tissues of the genital organ. The most famous and effective way to enlarge the penis by several centimeters is jelqing. This technique has been used for centuries in India, Africa and several other Middle Eastern countries. Otherwise, it is called "milking", as the action of the hands on the penis is similar to this process.
Since ancient times, men have been interested in the question of how to enlarge the penis. Therefore, unique exercises have been developed in different countries, but the main effect of such manipulations boils down to the fact that the man grabs the penis with his fingers at the base and forcefully pushes a kind of ring towards the head of the genital organ. .
The necessary effect is achieved by lengthening the corpora cavernosa of the penis and filling them more completely with blood. It is recommended to exercise as often as possible, preferably daily. After a few months, the size of the corpora cavernosa increases and, consequently, the penis becomes several centimeters longer.
To use this technique, you will need creams or lubricants that guarantee good glide. Before milking, the penis tissue should be slightly warmed. To heat, you can use salt or cereal heated in a frying pan. It is placed in a bag or wrapped in a cloth and then applied to the penis. In the first few days, they do up to forty stretches, then gradually increase the number of movements to two hundred.
Jelqing not only enlarges your penis but also improves the quality of sex. Helps deal with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and decreased libido.

Pump vacuum
A vacuum pump will help you quickly enlarge your penis immediately before sexual intercourse. This device is similar to a bomb. It can be air or water. In the first case, the effect on the genital organ occurs due to the rarefied air, and in the second, the tissues of the penis come into contact with water. The working principle of the pump is to stretch the corpora cavernosa of the penis and quickly fill them with blood.
The vacuum pump must be used with care, as its action is more aggressive than massage. It is not recommended to use this method for men with congenital organ pathologies, a tendency to bleeding, painful erections or who are taking anticoagulants.
A special device called an extender will help enlarge your penis. This device affects the organ in the same way as the previous two methods - by stretching the tissues of the penis. The device must be worn on the penis for several hours each day. After two to three months of using the device, a noticeable result appears - the penis increases in length by several centimeters.
The extender has no harmful effect on the penis. It can be used at any age, the main thing is to do it daily, without breaks. Despite some discomfort when using the device, men leave positive comments about it. In addition to enlarging the penis, the technique helps to improve sexual function, make orgasm brighter, prolong sexual intercourse and correct curvatures of the organs.

The quickest way to enlarge your penis is surgery. With the help of surgery, it is possible to achieve radical thickening and lengthening of the organ. To increase the length of the penis, the surgeon trims the ligamentous apparatus of the organ, and to increase the diameter, he inserts adipose tissue taken from the patient's peritoneum or thigh under the skin of the penis.
The operation is an expensive method to solve the problem of a small penis. In addition, it has many restrictions on its implementation, so the solution to this problem must be discussed individually with the doctor.
How to enlarge your penis with the help of medicines and folk remedies
In addition to the basic techniques aimed at lengthening the corpora cavernosa of the penis, there are other ways to enlarge the male organ. Good results in solving this problem are provided by medications - creams, ointments, gels and sprays. Its action is based on stimulating blood flow to the penis (increasing the erection), making the penis larger.

Creams and ointments
Many men are interested in the question of how to enlarge the penis without making any effort. The answer is simple – the use of local medicines. Creams and ointments act directly on the genital organ - improve sexual desire, strengthen erection, enlarge the penis, prolong sexual intercourse. Using these tools is simple and easy. It is necessary to lubricate the penis shortly before sexual intercourse, or daily, depending on the type of medication.
The modern pharmaceutical market offers many drugs that help enlarge the penis.
They are divided into three groups:
- fast action- used immediately before sex;
- having a cumulative effect— used daily, the result appears after a course of use;
- additional- used simultaneously with other techniques.
Most medicines are made from plant extracts. Medicinal plants increase blood flow to the organ, stimulate cell renewal, improve metabolism, increase tissue elasticity and prolong sexual intercourse.
Ointments and gels are sold in online pharmacies or on the websites of manufacturers and their partners. In addition to special means, ointments that have a local irritating effect and stimulate blood flow to the penis help to solve the problem.
Popular recipes and advice
Traditional healers will tell you how to enlarge your penis. Traditional medicine recipes contain medicinal plants considered powerful aphrodisiacs. The most effective are ginseng root and ginkgo biloba. They increase libido, potency and provide powerful blood flow to the penis. Alcohol infusions or decoctions are prepared from plants.
A popular recipe for penis enlargement with baking soda is popular among men. The necessary effect is achieved due to the blood-thinning property of soda, which contributes to a more complete filling of the corpora cavernosa of the penis with blood. However, doctors recommend caution when using this product, as frequent use of soda can negatively affect the health of the gastrointestinal tract.